Although plastic surgery has become commonplace, misconceptions persist about cosmetic procedures and the motivation behind having them. I would like to address several such topics that continue to crop up in the media or on the internet.
- People Who Undergo a Procedure are ‘Fake’
This is perhaps the most common misconception about plastic surgery. Whether the patient has a congenital issue with their appearance, or is fighting aging, struggling with a disconnect between your appearance and how you feel inside is challenging. Making a change to your appearance does not make one a ‘fake’. Most patients change their appearance not to look like someone else, but rather to feel more like themselves.
- People Can Tell If You’ve Had Work Done
Not likely, if you choose the right surgeon. A skilled, board certified surgeon can help you identify appropriate procedures and provide natural-looking results that highlight your own natural beauty. People may notice that something is “different” about your appearance, but they will be far less likely to think “plastic surgery” if the results are suited to you.
- Plastic Surgery Is Only For The Wealthy
Plastic surgery is sought by people with a wide range of incomes. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 1.6 million people chose to have cosmetic surgery in 2013. With proper planning, many patients save up for a procedure over a year or two, and then enjoy the benefits for decades. Many surgeons also offer financing options for cosmetic procedures.
- It Is Age Dependent
While age is a factor in the safety of performing certain procedures, plastic surgery is a choice available to healthy adults of all ages. According to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, roughly 15 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2013. 1.9% of these procedures were performed on patients 18 years old or younger. 27.2% of patients were between 19 – 34, and the largest group, 39.3%, were between the ages of 35-50. The reality is most patients want to look as good as they can at any given age, and there is no upper age limit for plastic surgery, as long as you are in excellent health.
- Cosmetic Surgery Is Addictive
If you are a stable person, you need not worry that you will become addicted to surgery after a surgical procedure or two. A responsible plastic surgeon will not perform surgery on someone who has fundamental self-image issues that are likely to lead to addiction. Lastly, maintaining a treatment program of BOTOX and other non-surgical procedures is completely acceptable for healthy patients, and not an addiction.
If you are considering plastic surgery you may be aware of these perceptions, but the fact is that millions of people have had cosmetic surgery, and it is becoming a fairly normal part of life for Americans.
Taking our personal health and appearance seriously is something we are all free to do. Looking great and feeling confident is important to many people’s careers. Reducing discomfort in your body, as well as being able to find fitting bras and clothing is a relief for patients who were outside of societal norms.
My advice is to make plastic surgery a completely personal decision. Educate yourself, take time to consider all of the variables, and finally, work with a board certified surgeon. In this way, you can have a positive impact on your self-esteem, confidence, and even your health.
Patti Flint, M.D., P.C. is a board certified plastic surgeon that strives to ensure that all of her patients are thoroughly educated about the plastic surgery procedures they desire so that they can make a confident, well-informed decision. She is a devoted and experienced professional whose focus is to help her clients feel more beautiful and confident by delivering natural results. Learn more about Dr. Flint and read Dr. Flint’s reviews.
Tags: mesa plastic surgeon, plastic surgery procedures, board certified plastic surgeon, scottsdale plastic surgery, Dr. Patti Flint, plastic surgery myths, plastic surgery blog, misconceptions about plastic surgery, scottsdale plastic surgeon, arizona plastic surgeon, phoenix plastic surgeonCategorized in: Popular