Dr. Patti Flint

NO, I am not pregnant!

If you are past the point of desiring or being capable of another pregnancy, it is more than a little annoying to continue looking pregnant. For some who have never been pregnant, genetics alone can lead to a protuberant or “pot belly” appearance. Not to worry, there is help available! Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck can make an amazing difference in the appearance of the tummy area. With a 96% “worth it” rating on Real Self.com, a tummy tuck is routinely described as the best thing a patient has ever done for themselves.

Pregnancy results in stretching of the abdominal wall connective tissue that normally keeps the abdomen flat. As a baby develops, this tissue stretches and unfortunately cannot snap back tight after delivery. The area in the middle of the tummy between the six pack muscles is particularly prone to stretch. No amount of diet or exercise will train this tissue back into the taught girdle that it once was. Consequently the abdominal wall is more lax and pushes forward. It is like wearing a girdle that is too big. It just won’t hold you in.

Abdominoplasty is designed to tighten this lax connective tissue with permanent stitches placed under the skin and fatty layer. Excess skin is also removed. The incision is made very low across the abdomen so that it is hidden under swim suits and lingerie. The belly button is released from the skin around it, and after the excess skin is pulled down and removed, a hole is made in the skin that overlies the belly button, and the belly button is pulled through and stitched into place. It is common to perform liposuction on the flank and waistline at the same time to provide three-dimensional circumferential contouring. With this approach, some patients look as if they have lost 10-20 pounds following this procedure, even though their actual weight may not change much.

Some patients are concerned about scarring and wonder if liposuction alone is an alternative.  If there is loose or stretch mark damaged skin, liposuction will make matters worse. Loose or damaged skin does not contract back snuggly and smoothly after fat has been removed with liposuction. If the tummy tuck scar is expertly placed, no excessive tension is applied during closure, and a topical scar treatment program is started early post-operatively, most scars fade very well. There is no way to perform this surgery without a scar. The final position of the scar is based on the expertise of the surgeon. The length of the scar is dependent on how much extra skin needs to be removed.  After an exam, an experienced board certified plastic surgeon can give you a good idea of the ultimate position and length of your scar.

Many patients mistakenly believe this is a surgery for young people or people who are overweight. Both are untrue. According to the 2013 statistics published by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, almost 25% of patients pursuing this procedure are over age sixty-five. It is the fourth most common cosmetic procedure performed with liposuction being the most popular. Patients who are markedly overweight should lose weight prior to the procedure to minimize risk and improve cosmetic results.

With bathing suit season upon us, it is time to start considering whether another summer of trying to hide your tummy is worth it. In healthy patients that are good candidates, a tummy tuck can provide confidence and pride in your appearance.  If you are considering a body contouring procedure, please call my office to arrange a personal consultation.




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