Dr. Patti Flint

Fuller Cheeks Without Surgery—Voluma is Here!

It is a well known fact that the rosy, full cheeks of youth sag as we age. Some surgeons also believe they deflate. Consequently there is welcome news for many surgeons and patients alike who would like an option to re-capture a fuller cheek without surgery—a new facial filler has been approved for just that purpose. It is called Voluma and is made by Allergan.

We are delighted to be one of the first practices to offer Voluma for those who wish for fuller, more youthful-looking cheeks—it is only available now to a limited number of offices. This filler is made with hyaluronic acid, which is a normal component of human skin. New technology has allowed the product to be cross-linked in such a way that the gel is thicker. It is designed to be injected deep in the check so it is not palpable, but it fills up the cheek over the cheekbone and recaptures fullness. These injections are performed in the office on awake patients, and the treatment takes less than thirty minutes. Mild swelling or bruising can occur, but resolves quickly. Most remarkably, the vast majority of patients treated with this product during the study phase felt their result was still present at two years following treatment.

This is a new product, and you should seek a well-trained board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has a great deal of experience with injectable fillers for your treatment. This product is not approved for use in other areas of the face.

For patients who feel they are exhibiting early signs of aging, or who are not ready for a cheek or facelift, Voluma is an exciting new treatment that creates wonderful results with little to no downtime. You can learn more about Voluma here.

Patti Flint, M.D., P.C. is a board certified plastic surgeon that strives to ensure that all of her patients are thoroughly educated about the plastic surgery procedures they desire so that they can make a confident, well-informed decision. She is a devoted and experienced professional whose focus is to help her clients feel more beautiful and confident by delivering natural results. Learn more about Dr. Flint and read Dr. Flint’s patient reviews.

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