Dr. Patti Flint

What Does it Mean When a Surgical Facility is Accredited?

Considering having aesthetic plastic surgery? You probably know to choose a plastic surgeon with the appropriate training, experience, and board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform your procedure. But did you know that the credentials of the facility where your procedure is performed are equally important for your safety?

Before you schedule surgery, make sure that your surgeon operates in a state-licensed, accredited surgical facility. Here’s why.

What surgical facility accreditation means and why it matters

Accredited surgical facilities adhere to strict standards for safety, cleanliness, staff qualification, and performance to ensure that patients receive the highest quality care possible. Stringent protocols required by accrediting bodies reduce risk for error and ensure that the operating room staff are capable of responding swiftly and effectively to an emergency, should one arise.

Requirements a surgical center must meet to obtain and maintain accreditation, which directly affect your safety and well-being, include:

  • Facilities, staff and operations undergo annual comprehensive review by the accrediting body, including an on-site audit at least every 3 years
  • Anesthesia must be administered by licensed anesthesiology professionals
  • Operating equipment is regularly checked to ensure it works properly
  • Physicians and staff undergo stringent background checks, and a surgeon’s certifications are verified routinely to ensure no lapses occur
  • Evacuation procedures for fire, natural disaster, and other emergencies are routinely reviewed and updated
  • The building and staff are equipped to safely handle and dispose of biohazardous waste
  • Incidences of complications and other safety issues must be reported to the state medical board and health department for public access
  • Communications and recordkeeping must comply with HIPAA privacy regulations

Accreditation is an involved process that requires a facility and its staff to invest considerable time and resources to achieve. This often translates to a higher surgery cost for the patient. In fact, the reason some doctors who claim to be “cosmetic surgeons” can offer such suspiciously low prices for surgery is that they sidestep accreditation and risk their patients’ safety by performing surgery in their office or other cut-rate facilities. Never compromise on facility accreditation to save money.

How to find an accredited surgery center

There are three reputable organizations in the United States that provide surgery center accreditation:

  • The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO or “Joint Commision”)
  • The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)
  • The American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF)

Of these, the JCAHO, which issues accreditation for hospital operating rooms as well as select private surgery centers, maintains the strictest certification requirements. Many accredited facilities are also Medicare certified, but Medicare certification should not be considered a substitute for accreditation by one of the three organizations listed above.

Reputable plastic surgeons will tell you what accreditations their operating facilities hold, either on their website or in patient information packets. Additionally, you should always ask about facility accreditation during your consultation, and verify the status by checking with the appropriate accrediting body.

Our accredited surgical facility in Scottsdale

An unwavering commitment to patient safety and quality are at the core of my plastic surgery practice, and my new operating facility at the Scottsdale McCormick Ranch Surgicenter meets the highest standards for facility accreditation and is currently undergoing the accreditation process by the Joint Commission (JCAHO). Located downstairs from our new, expanded offices and SkinCeuticals Advanced Clinical Spa, the Scottsdale MRS offers state-of-the-art surgical care with the equipment, technology, and qualified staff equal to that of a hospital operating room. The only difference is that your procedure takes place in a private, intimate setting, free of the distractions possible at a hospital.

If you are looking for a board certified plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, I invite you to contact my office to schedule a consultation. I will be happy to discuss the surgical procedures that interest you and help you learn what you can do to ensure a safe plastic surgery experience and results you will love.

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